About Us
CleanerAtSouth is your reliable partner for all your cleaning needs. With focus on the environment, quality, customer satisfaction, we ensure every space we touch shines with cleanliness and care.
Our mission is to deliver an unparalleled cleaning experience. We recognized a significant gap in the industry—poor customer service leaving clients unsatisfied. Too often, cleaning services lack urgency and care. At CleanerAtSouth we are about unmatched customer experience and care!
Established in South Shields, England, in 2020, we are committed to redefining cleaning services with excellence and attention to detail. Trust us to transform your space with the highest standards of cleanliness and customer experience.
Do you operate after hours and weekends?Our services are between 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday 9am - 3pm on Saturday and Sundays
How do I request for a quotation:1. Leave your details on the contact us page and we will call you back 2. Dial us on 0191 716 9570 3. Whatsapp on 079 181 97614 4. Email us: info@cleaneratsouth.co.uk
How do I accept a quotation?Simply accept a quote by replying to the email received and an Invoice will be generated.
How do I make a payment for the service?Pay deposit amount on the invoice with reference and banking details provided, only then our cleaner operators will be scheduled to come onsite. Please expect a phone call and sms with the scheduled date and timeslot.
What is the process of lodging complaints?Email us: info@cleaneratsouth.co.uk. Management will respond within 3 days
How do I rate the services?An sms or email will be sent to rate services.
Does someone need to be at home(onsite) when cleaner operators are scheduled?No need, it would be preferable to give the cleaner operators space during the cleaning process.
What times do cleaning services take place?9am - 5pm Monday to Friday 9am - 3pm on Saturday and Sundays

Our Cleaners
Trained in First Aid, Fire fighting, Health and Safety awareness from JANGRO. Our Cleaners have been vetted and have DBS Certificates .
We work in people’s spaces, we value lives and good health, and we have been trained to mitigate risks, in the event of emergency and Fire outbreaks.
DBS – Is the disclosure of credit and criminal records, we want to ensure our customers can trust us coming into their spaces

Our Vision and Mission
Our Vision is a Cleaner Environment and Customers that trust our service.
Our Mission is to provide you with an exceptional cleaning experience every time!